Saturday, November 30, 2019

Renaissance Essay The 14th, 15th And Part Of 16th Century Was A Glorio

Renaissance Essay The 14th, 15th and part of 16th century was a glorious time for Europe, it was the reformation of many old ideas and the formation of many new, this was called the Renaissance. The Renaissance brought many changes to Europe, the economy was greatly boosted by of all the new explorations. The flourishing economy helped to inspire new developments in art and literature. And from that many new beliefs were formed. The European economy flourished during the Renaissance due to many factors. There was a large income coming in from over seas exploration. Spain alone received added income from Christopher Columbus and when he stumbled across North America on his way to find a shorter rout to the Indies. The exploration down the coast of Africa also brought in a lot of extra income. This income came from the exploitation of the Africans by kidnapping them and selling them as slaves. Income also came from establishing colonies in Africa and setting up gold mines and mines for other needed metals. With all of this extra income coming into the European countries they had more money to help fund the arts. During the Renaissance there were many drastic changes in the style of art. Giotto was a very influential painter, during the start of the Renaissance. In Giotto's work he used three dimensional images, this was a drastic change from the classic art where depth was not used. His painting were very realistic and life like, unlike the previous centuries art. Giotto's work inspired artists by the likes of Leonardo de Vinci, Raphael and Michaelango. Michaelango painted the Sistine Chapel, which is located in the Vatican in Rome. The Sistine Chapel depicted the book of Genesis. The manner in which it was painted was unlike another at the time, all the characters in the Sistine chapel are very life like and realistic. Also it was one of the first times that religion was painted by the painters opinion of the events. The arts led to new ways of thinking. With t he arts the artists began to think on their own and those movements began to spread. It was not just what the church said anymore that was right. Humanism, one of the new beliefs which was formed during the Renaissance, said that people should read the works of the greats and focus on writing, and the arts. Humanists believed that they were equal with the ancient Greek and Roman writers and philosophers. Petrarch was the original humanist, and a writer who wrote many letters to the people of ancient Rome. In those letters he spoke as if he was an equal with them. Another of the new beliefs was scholasticism, which was the opposite of humanism. Scholastics thought that people should spend more time the sciences, they also wanted the church and science to be brought together as one. As new scientific discoveries were made many of the churches theories were beginning to be questioned. Some of the new scientific discoveries consisted of theories which went against the churches beliefs. One theory which was proven true about the Earth revolving around the sun. This was contrary to the churches view that everything revolved around the Earth. This theory was proven true by Copernicus who is considered the father of modern astronomy. Kelper an astronomer and astrologer also discovered about the rotation of the planets. As the church began to be questioned more and more. And soon there were new religions forming. The major religion that was formed during the Renaissance was the Protestant religion. The Protestant religion began to spread throughout Europe, at one point of time the official church of England was a Protestant church. This new and improved Europe was mainly came to be from the blustering economy, the explorations, art, literature, and new discoveries, but this new growth of a western power was not just a natural development, in fact it was inspired by a superior civilization, the Chinese. If it was not for the Chinese version of the Renaissance which occu rred about a thousand years earlier there would be no European Renaissance. The Chinese had many useful inventions which the Europeans exploited unlike the Chinese. One

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Effects of Acid Rain essays

The Effects of Acid Rain essays What is acid precipitation? What are the effects of it? Where is this acid coming from? What can we do to stop it? These are questions you should be able to answer after reading this paper. Acid Rain, or acid precipitation, is the word used to describe rainfall that has a pH level of less than 5.6. This form of air pollution is currently a subject of great controversy because of its worldwide environmental damages. Acid rain is formed when oxides of nitrogen and sulfite combine with moisture in the atmosphere to make nitric and sulfuric acids. The two primary sources of acid rain are sulfur dioxide, and oxides of nitrogen. Scientists have discovered that air pollution from the burning of fossil fuels is the major cause of these oxides (Acid Rain). Power plants and factories burn coal and oil. Power plants use that coal and oil to produce the electricity we need to heat and light our homes and to run our electric appliances. We also burn natural gas, coal, and oil to heat our homes. The smoke and fumes from burning fossil fuels rise into the atmosphere and combine with the moisture in the air to form acid rain. Acid rain usually forms high in the clouds where sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides react with water, oxygen, and oxidants. This forms a mild solution of sulfuric acid and nitric acid. Sunlight increases the rate of most of these reactions. Rainwater, snow, fog, and other forms of precipitation containing those mild solutions of sulfuric and nitric acids fall to the earth as acid rain (ABCs). Even before this, water must go through the hydrologic cycle. In this cycle, water in the atmosphere picks up particles and chemicals that are floating in the air. Even clean, unpolluted air has some particles such as dust or pollen. Clean air also contains naturally occurring gases such as carbon dioxide. The interaction between the water droplets and these gases in the atmosphere gives ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

What Is Communication and How to Use It Effectively

What Is Communication and How to Use It Effectively Communication is the process of sending and receiving messages through verbal or nonverbal means, including speech, or oral communication; writing  and graphical representations (such as infographics, maps, and charts); and  signs,  signals, and behavior. More simply, communication is said to be the creation and exchange of meaning.   Media critic and theorist James Carey  defined communication as a symbolic process whereby reality is produced, maintained, repaired and transformed in his 1992 book Communication as Culture, positing that we define our reality via sharing our experience with others. All creatures on earth have developed means in which to convey their emotions and thoughts to one another. However, its the ability of humans to use words and language to transfer specific  meanings that sets them apart from the animal kingdom. Components of Communication To break it down, in any communication there is a sender and a receiver, a message, and interpretations of meaning on both ends. The receiver gives feedback to the sender of the message, both during the messages conveyance and afterward. Feedback signals can be verbal or nonverbal, such as nodding in agreement or looking away and sighing or other myriad gestures. Theres also the context of the message, the environment its given in, and potential for interference during its sending or receipt.   If the receiver can see the sender, he or she can obtain not only the messages contents but also nonverbal communication that the sender is giving off, from confidence to nervousness, professionalism to flippancy. If the receiver can hear the sender, he or she can also pick up cues from the senders tone of voice, such as emphasis and emotion.   Rhetorical Communication- The Written Form Another thing that sets humans apart from their animal cohabiters is our use of writing as a means of communication, which has been a part of the human experience for more than  5,000 years. In fact, the first essay - coincidentally about speaking effectively - is estimated to be from around the year 3,000 B.C., originating in Egypt, though it wasnt until much later that the general population was considered literate. Still, James C. McCroskey notes in An Introduction to Rhetorical Communication that texts like these are significant because they establish the historical fact that interest in rhetorical communication is nearly 5,000 years old. In fact, McCroskey posits that most ancient texts were written as instructions for communicating effectively, further emphasizing early civilizations value of furthering the practice. Through time this reliance has only grown, especially in the Internet age. Now, written or rhetorical communication is one of the favored and primary means of talking to one another - be it an instant message or a text, a Facebook post or a tweet. As Daniel Boorstin observed in Democracy and Its Discontents, the most important single change in human consciousness in the last century, and especially in the American consciousness, has been the multiplying of the means and forms of what we call communication. This is especially true in modern times with the advent of texting, e-mail, and social media as forms of communicating with others around the world. With more means of communication,  there are also  now even more ways to be misunderstood than ever. If a message contains just the written word (such as a text or email), the sender needs to be confident in its clarity, that it cannot be misinterpreted. Emails can often come off cold or clipped without that being the intention of the sender, for example, yet its not considered professional to have emoticons in formal communication to help convey  the proper meaning and context.  Ã‚   Before You Open Your Mouth or Hit Send Before preparing your message, whether its going to be in person one-on-one, in front of an audience, over the phone, or done in writing, consider the audience wholl be receiving your information, the context, and your means to convey it. What way will be the most effective? What will you have to do to ensure its conveyed properly? What do you want to make sure that you dont convey? If its important and going to be relayed in a professional context, maybe youll practice beforehand, prepare slides and graphics, and pick out professional attire so that your appearance or mannerisms dont distract from your  message. If its a written message youre preparing, youll likely want to proofread, make sure the recipients name is spelled correctly and read it aloud to find dropped words or clunky phrasing before sending it.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Philosophy of Punishment for Criminals in Regard to Society and Essay

The Philosophy of Punishment for Criminals in Regard to Society and Victim - Essay Example Changes should be instituted that continue to enhance the rights of victims and create a greater sensitivity to their long-term emotional needs. It is a relatively recent development in the history of punishment that the victim of a crime is not central to the issue of resolving the debt created by a criminal act. In the American justice system, a criminal is considered indebted to the greater society, thus excluding the victim as a part of the punishment process. In fact, the concept of victims' rights has only become an issue for the justice system within the last few decades. The design of the justice system was not created with empathy for the victim, or an understanding of the lasting affect that violent crime can have on the life of someone who must cope with the aftermath of such an act. However, the concept of punishment does hold the potential as a deterrent for future crimes, and in this way relates mainly to the needs of a secure society. In an examination of punishment in the United States, and the way in which it relates and affects both the victim and society, it reveals a philosophy that is ineffective at addr essing the core issues that are significant to the long-term goals of society, or in satisfying the needs of the victim. In the evaluation of the ways in which crime a... five prevalent categories of needs for victims that include "retaliation, recognition of victim status, confirmation of societal values, victim security, and societal security" (p.173). The five goals of the victim are directly related to the ways in which the crime has affected the well-being of the individual. The more violent crimes require more than one of these goals in establishing a sense of closure, while less violent crime can require only one or two of these goals. However, these goals that affect the well-being of the victim are often not specifically addressed in the current justice system. While civil lawsuits can create monetary reparation toward the victim, most crimes are difficult to address through this type of litigation. Criminals that are incarcerated usually have no physical resources for restitution, and become a depersonalized entity within the prison system. Victims are left with a sense that their needs have diminished within society and that their circumsta nce has not been properly acknowledged. Historical Perspective Historically speaking, the philosophy of punishment has more often been designed around reparation to the victim of a crime. This is not to suggest that punishment was more merciful or did not have an aspect of cruelty incorporated into it. One example of the harshness of ancient law is from Sumer, which has the earliest surviving written record of law in history. According to Tetlow (2004), "When a woman said something offensive to a man, her teeth were crushed by burnt bricks on which her guilt had been inscribed. The bricks were then hung up in the city gate for all to see" (p.9-10). While the harshness of this sentence is beyond any reasonable standard of conduct for a modern culture, it represents the direct

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Anthropology of Power And Resistance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Anthropology of Power And Resistance - Essay Example For the understanding of anthropology of power, first we have to understand what power is, how it is constituted, and how it works within an allegedly postmodern world in which older rules of authority seem to have decreasing relevance'. The impacts of policy interventions and opportunities at state, supra-state and extra-state levels for example, on the ways in which people evade or ignore the reach of the state in constructing economic power beyond state control; the opportunities for and constraints on ethnic, gender and other group or categorical empowerment offered by institutions such as United Nations agencies and forums, multinational Non-Governmental Organizations, the European Union, the International Court of Justice, the Internet and the global media, among many others; the possibilities for empowerment by manipulating the interstices between local, regional and central levels of state bureaucratic organization; and issues of 'management'". Foucault's conceptualization of power is "individuals are always in the position of simultaneously undergoing and exercising this power. They are not only its inert or consenting target; they are always also the elements of its articulation the vehicles of power, not its points of application. (Foucault, M. (1980) Power/Knowledge, (ed.) C. Gordon. New York: Harvester/ Wheatsheaf). There is also a hint here of that contemporary usage of 'empowerment' which implies the drive by individuals, singly or in combination, to get what they want. But such an approach helps us to understand how socially equal individuals (academic colleagues, for example) can exercise power over others and for themselves and get what they want when they want it merely by ignoring the normal rules of polite social interaction. There are specific circumstances in which the anthropologist is obliged by the dynamics of the public policy process to adopt a more radical position, of the kind associated with a unilocal, univocal and unifocal form of ethnography, where the goal of 'political anthropology' is to achieve a transfer of power from the 'system' to the 'community'. For this reason, it is necessary for the discipline to develop something akin to a 'code of practice', whereby the necessity or desirability of movements between the radical and the moderate position can also be negotiated, within particular political settings, in order to avoid a breakdown in the dialogue which constitutes the discipline itself. A 'political setting' is defined here as something which is necessarily larger than a single 'community', which may be equivalent to a single jurisdiction (or nation-state), but which will normally also have some sectoral component-e.g. 'health', 'conservation', 'mining', etc On the other hand currently disempowered people subvert dominating structures and relationships and come some way towards achieving their goals precisely by not voicing their resistance to hegemonic power openly, but by exercising some other capacity or resource. Patterns of domination can accommodate resistance so long as it is not publicly and unambiguously acknowledged voice under domination includes rumor, gossip, disguises, linguistic

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Explain How the Understanding of Peace Is Expressed Through the Sacred Texts in 2 Religious Traditions Essay Example for Free

Explain How the Understanding of Peace Is Expressed Through the Sacred Texts in 2 Religious Traditions Essay By looking into their sacred texts and teachings on peace, we can gain a valuable insight into how these religions explain peace. The teaching of peace is central to Christianity. They use the sacred text of the bible, mostly the New Testament with emphasis on the Gospels as the source for teachings on peace. The New Testament states peace as a virtue and identifies it as a key element of God. Christians use Jesus’ example to illustrate the ideal model for peace in their lives. This model allows for adherents to understand the peace of God through the gift of the Holy Spirit and peace in relationships whereby Christians are expected to work in harmony with others in order to achieve peace As well as this the teaching on war and peace â€Å"love your neighbour as yourself. †(Matthew) and the teaching on peace and justice are both exemplified by Pope John XXIII’s notion that there can only be peace if there is justice. The Christian teaching on peace revolves around the covenant relationship between the adherent and God. This peace is given by Christ and is shown in the sacred texts of the New Testament â€Å"My peace I leave with you,† and is described as â€Å"one of the fruits with the spirit. †(Galatians). Jesus tells his followers that â€Å"in me you may have peace,† (John) suggesting that the concept of spiritual peace is embodied in the teachings of Jesus Christ. The importance of peace is clear in the Beatitudes were Jesus stated â€Å"blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God†. Christians believe that through baptism they have been called to follow Jesus’ as their model in life. By following his example, Christians acquire peace by obeying the commands of Jesus and therefore the principle teachings of Christianity â€Å"You must love your neighbour as you love yourself. † The bible states that Christians can achieve peace through the specific teaching of Jesus to forgive those who have wronged you. â€Å"If he wrongs you†¦you must forgive him. † (Luke). Forgiveness and compassion is at the heart of the Bibles message. Further to this, Christians can achieve peace through their practice of individual and communal prayer. The Christian biblical view on peace is one that demonstrates the idea that they should work for it. Through the beatitudes, Christians are encouraged to be the peacemakers in society. â€Å"Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called the children of God. † Further to this, Christians believe in the sanctity of life through the covenant of the 10 commandments which state â€Å"Thou shall not kill. † Peace is work of justice and the effect of charity. In the case of conflict, Christians resort to the idea of violence being a last resort and refer to the Just War theory in order to determine whether conflict is applicable. The bible teaches adherents to promote peace on an international level, aiming to work for peace, justice and reconciliation. Islam like Christianity was a religion founded on the virtue of peace. Islam is referred to in the Qur’an as â€Å"the paths of peace† and it is taught that peace must always be actively sought out by Muslims. The Qur’an sees reconciliation as a basic stance and states that Allah abhors the disturbance of peace. Muslims too believe that there can only be peace if there is justice. In Islam, peace takes a variety of forms. It is seen as a quality of personal tranquillity and fulfilment bestowed by Allah to reward submission. This surrender of mental and physical devotion begins with the concept of Dhikr, the remembrance of Allah in all aspects of Muslim life. The Qur’an states that â€Å"In remembrance of God do hearts fins satisfaction. † This concept is embodied by the 5 pillars of Islam. Through the Salat, attention is drawn to Allah, marginalising distraction in order to devote more fully to the divine. Sawm and Zakat illustrate physical sacrifices for Islam which allows the adherent to appreciate Allah’s role as of life. The Hajj focuses on morality by allowing the adherent o come closer to Allah in their individual search of inner peace. Along with this, the study of the sacred texts of Islam, the Qur’an and Hadith equips adherents with necessary theological understanding for a meaningful life of submission which in turn brings peace. This study allows Muslims to understand peace being a reward for following the teachings of Allah and his prophet Mohammad. Peace be upon you because you have persevered. † Another concept of achieving peace is through collective worship. It encourages commitment in the struggle against the greater Jihad. Like Christianity, Islam encourages adherents to strive for peace. Both typify the complex relationship between religion and peace. The standard greeting to another person in Arabic is â€Å"As-Salamu-Alaykum (Peace be with you) † (Qur’an), which encourages Muslims to â€Å"Promote peace among men. † (Sura). There are various organisations in Islam that promote peace. E. g. The Islamic Conference which promotes world peace and safeguards the interest of the Muslim world. The understanding of peace throughout both Christianity and Islam has been influenced by their sacred texts. It is ultimately through the interpretation of these texts that adherents learn the values of peace. They all demonstrate that peace is not merely the absence of conflict, but is also a complex intertwined system of teachings and that there are various avenues to achieving the ideal state of peace.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

School Uniforms and Their Effect on Education Essay -- Argumentative P

School Uniforms and Their Effect on Education   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Going to public schools all my life, I heard the gossip of "fashion" and "whose wearing what,"pretty much everyday; at least in the four years of high school where it seemed that looks mattered the most. As people grow up, the way they present themselves becomes more and more important. Leaving a good mark in high school means a lot to some people, and some are ready to do whatever it takes to make that mark, whether it be putting someone down for their clothing or being an individual and not caring what others think of you or what your wearing. Having friends from middle school that branched out and went the alternative route; private schools, one of the first things that came back to me from them was how much easier it was to having a uniform to wear to school. Going to a school where uniforms are strictly enforced can help to create a better learning environment. Having uniforms would call for a lot less distraction in the classroom, there would be much more ti me for homework and there would not be as many problems concerning the wear of inappropriate clothing to take away from school time. A quote from the essay, â€Å"The Achievement of Desire,† by Richard Rodriguez fits particularly well in this essay. â€Å"Get all the education you can, with an education you can do anything.† This just doesn’t seem like the main idea to many kids anymore and I think that uniforms would help to bring that thought back into a lot of our heads. I know that the idea of wearing a uniform repulses many people, but when broken down, school uniforms really do seem like the way to go.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  If it was a requirement to wear a uniform to school, there would be many more kids paying attention in classes. Looking around the classroom at what other kids are wearing is a great way to make time fly by. If everyone was wearing the same things, then the distraction of different clothing would be eliminated. Many people worry that uniforms would take away the opportunity for kids to be who they are or who they want to be, but I feel as though wearing uniforms would simply force kids to show their individualism in ways outside of fashion and appearance. When looking at an Opinion Board on the internet I came across the idea that visually uniforms result in a more equal and adult treatment of students, eliminating any idea that one student i... ...yles and be up on fashion, does it really seem worth it to risk getting simply an "ok" education? Where are those priorities of school work and studying for a test when you are out shopping at the mall? In the end it really does make the most sense to simply suck up the idea of wearing the same thing as every other girl or boy at your school and leave with a better education, and a better sense of seeing people for what and who they really are; not what they are or aren’t wearing. Imagining the idea of a school that one does not have to worry about what kids will say about their outfits, about whether or not what they are wearing is appropriate for school grounds or getting to the mall after school to buy that new sweater they saw in the A&F catalogue (which means blowing off that tutoring secession they had to help raise their math grade), seems so far from reality and all that I knew in high school, yet at the same time seems like the ideal way to spend those four import ant years of high school, those four years in which all of your hard work pays off and gets you accepted into the number one college of your choice. That sounds like the perfect four years of high school to me.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Nike’s Market Audit Essay

The marketing audit is a fundamental part of the marketing planning process. It is conducted not only at the beginning of the process, but also at a series of points during the implementation of the plan. The marketing audit considers both internal and external influences on marketing planning, as well as a review of the plan itself. Marketing Audit considers the basics of the marketing audit, and introduces a marketing audit checklist. The checklist is designed to answer the question, what is the current marketing situation? Marketing audit could be considered under three key headings: * The Internal Marketing Environment. * The External Marketing Environment. * A Review of the Current Marketing Plan. â€Å"Where is the business now? † is a core marketing question as it is concerned with how the business is performing in its marketplace. To answer this question one of the primary activities of the marketing function in a business is to undertake an audit of the market for the business. Once this question has been answered then the business can take decisions over setting and implementing their strategies to overcome the anticipated challenges. Now lets have a look at the way the companies, that had been selected previously to illustrate the Marketing mix, are conducting the Market Audit to achieve their goals†¦ Nike Nike operates its business within the sports footwear and apparel market. Originally designing and producing running shoes, their portfolio has broadened to include a wide range of sports and leisure wear. This is all endorsed by top sporting personalities and has gained a faithful reputation among them. Mission statement of Nike†¦ In its mission statement Nike expresses that it requires doing business in a responsible way, leading to sustainable financial growth. With the advances in technology, HR practices, the well informed and trained work force, there is very little left to differentiate organizations. Being seen to go further than the minimum required on social issues can attract and retain customers. This green cleansing attracts attention to the organization; they are viewed as caring and social responsible (Mullins, L. 2005). In a marketing research done by the company the following blemishes could be revealed. A report, on the business practices of Nike through its supply chain accused the organization of being involved in poor working conditions, violations of labor rights, low wages and harassment of its workforce. Nike takes these reports seriously. On the basis of the research findings the company has intensified the monitoring of its suppliers and right away did take actions and implemented to rectify the flaws. This is the importance of an Audit to a company to maintain its standards and the good reputation. * Internal Marketing Audit * Value chain Nike’s supply chain provides a clear view of the extent of the global nature of the company. Nike’s headquarters are in America; however, virtually all of its production takes place outside of the United States. Nike’s supply chain upstream begins with the materials used in the production of its products. Many of these materials used in production are available in the locations which the manufacturing takes place, but some specialized materials have to be imported to the manufacturing company. Now lets take a look at how they’ve overcome their challenges by getting the aid of an internal marketing audit considering two instances. Past options| Outsourcing of all production| Rationale| Reduced costs| Future Options| Outsource with stronger control| Rationale| Speed up reporting of any problems in production, the supply chain, the greater the distance the slower the reporting of problems| Critical Success Factor| Reduce problems associated with distance, i. e. quality, consistency and value| Change of Focus| Although still outsourcing, they would gain more control over production. | Past options| Target USA| Rationale| Demand and growth for footwear in the US was rapid. Future Options| Future option is to enter EU markets| Rationale| To expand into growing markets as US is near saturation. | Critical Success Factor| organic growth as well as by acquisition, also brand name, goodwill- therefore there is a match is CSF to succeed| Change of Focus| Maybe have to target marketing in a different way| * Portfolio analysis in current product (BCG Matrix) The BCG matrix method is based on the product life cycle theory that can be used to determine what priorities should be given in the product portfolio of a business unit. To ensure long-term value creation, a company should have a portfolio of products that contains both high-growth products in need of cash inputs and low-growth products that generate a lot of cash. It has 2 dimensions: market share and market growth. The basic idea behind it is that the bigger the market share a product has or the faster the product’s market grows the better it is for the company. Placing products in the BCG matrix results in 4 categories in a portfolio of a company: 1. Stars (high growth, high market share) use large amounts of cash and are leaders in the business so they should also generate large amounts of cash. * frequently roughly in balance on net cash flow. Through the BCG analysis for Nike, what has been revealed is that Nike is established within its markets, benefiting from economies of scale. And this places them in the Cash Cows category on the Matrix. Where the Cash cows market growth has slowed, and the products hold a fairly stable market share. * External Marketing Audit * Macro Environment PESTEL This will consider the influences of about six factors on the organization, both in the past and with future strategic plans. Following information could be gathered about Nike through a PESTEL analysis†¦ I. Political ) Striking dock workers b) Political unrest in the production countries.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Effects of Media Stereotyping

Over the years, racial stereotypes have always played a big role in our society. Till today, everyone attaches racial stereotypes and injustice thoughts towards a person without knowing or saying a word to the person. Signs of race and ethnicity are everywhere in our media culture and people are judged based on inaccurate information given by the media such as television, cartoons, dramas, movies and even comic books. These stereotypes will influence the younger generations, create tension between groups and affect people in many ways.The way that television portrays different races can be very subtle like main character status, level of interaction between races, activity levels, and social status (Maher, 2008). The characters demonstrated in certain television programs are formed by what the writers believe and they take the basic features of a character and expand it thinking the viewers will enjoy it, leading to racial and ethnic stereotypes by using ‘misinformation’ through movies, shows and news reports. Egyptians in this case are being portrayed as uneducated, unethical, raise desert animals, terrorists and uncivilized.These false information is what the media uses as techniques to portray Egyptians as humans of the underworld and Egypt as a deserted country. Egyptians have been stereotyped as desert residents for many years even though Egypt has been advanced now as a country. They have been looked at as uneducated but fact is there is an American University built in Cairo where many Egyptians have gotten their Bachelors, Masters and PhD’s from, but however the media still influence the public to view the Egyptians as desert people.In the movie â€Å"The Mummy† which was shot at Egypt, individual Egyptians are filthy, greedy, slimey pigs. The Egyptian masses are mindless, murderous zombies who chant the name Imhotep. This has affected Egyptians as well as other stereotyped ethnic groups everywhere. The threat does not only aff ect the life of the adults but the children as well. In a research done by the University of California about the consequences of racial stereotypes on children, it was said that it has a direct effect on the academic performance of the stereotyped children.One of the sayings in this research is: â€Å"African American and Latino children who are aware of broadly held stereotypes about academic ability perform more poorly on a cognitive task when that task is described as a measure of ability that when the same task is described as a problem-solving task. † (Carol Hyman 2003). This applies to all race and ethnic groups everywhere in our world Racial and ethnic stereotype in media not only in fluencies the adults but is also adapted and carried over with the children who are the youth of tomorrow and we wouldn’t want this stereotype to continue on in the years to come.It is easy to give out information with no factual back up, but the public preference is what can eithe r stop media propaganda from affecting the public opinion or simply fuel such dangerous aspect of the media, stereotypes. Hyman, Carol (2003). â€Å"Awareness of racial stereotypes happens at an early age, has consequences†, UC Berkeley News. Online at:  , consulted on May 2003.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The RAP music culture essays

The RAP music culture essays Rap music as a musical form began among the youth of the south bronx, New York in the mid 1970's. Artists such as Kool Herc and Grandmaster Flash were some of the early pioneers of this art form. Through thier performances at night clubs and promotion of the music, rap began to become ever more popular throughout the remaining years of the 1970's. The first commercial success of the rap song "Rappers Delight" by the Sugar Hill Gang in 1979 helped bring rap music into the national spotlight. The 1980s saw the continued success of rap music with many artists such as Run DMC (who had the first rap album to go gold in 1984), L.L. Cool J and the Fat Boys. Today rap music still continues to be an important aspect of african-american music. When rap music first came about in america it was seen as a form of entertainment for youths in black inner city neighborhoods. Hanging out with friends and rapping or listening to others rap kept black youths out of trouble in the dangerous neighborhoods in which they lived. So basically the dominant culture did not have a type of music that filled the needs of these black youths so they decided to create a new style of thier own. Rap music originaly emerged as a way for the black youths to express thier everyday lifes and struggles. Rap is now seen as a subculture that, includes a large number of middle to upper class white youths who have grown to support and appreciate rap music. Many youth in america today are considered part of this culture because they share a common interest for a type of music that combines catchy beats with rhythmic music and thoughtful lyrics. Rap lyrics are about the problems rappers have seen such as poverty, crime, violence, racism, poor living conditions, drug abuse, alcoholism and prostitution. These are serious problems that many within the rap culture believe are being ignored by mainstream america. Those within the rap culture know ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Body Image Of The World

Media affects body image Body image is an idiosyncratic picture of one 's own physical appearance established both by self-observation and by observing the reactions of others. Whether it may be a magazine cover, commercial or the internet, the media 's false portrayal of perfection greatly impacts children and young adults. The media glorifies models and celebrities as figures of a higher standard, as icons of beauty and youth. Media features female models with tall, slender body types and male†¦ Body Image When I hear the word body image I began to shrink inside. I have never really been comfortable in my own skin. As a child I was my own worst critic; I hated the color of my skin, my weight, to my hair. As a child my relatives would always say I was dark. So, I hated my skin color. I always wanted to be lighter because it seemed that light-skinned girls my age that were light skinned were able to get whatever they wanted. From the time I was a little girl I told myself I would get†¦ conditioned to believe that our bodies are flawed. Projected by the media consumed, fashion modeled during Fashion Week, or critics online, the message is clear: we commit the crime of imperfection simply by existing. Society shames us for this, for not fitting into the unrealistic mold cast upon us. One of the primary sources of this is body shaming, which is simply defined as â€Å"shaming someone for their particular body type†. Living in the 21st Century, anyone can be subjected to body shaming. However, the†¦ a clear definition of abs. Long hair with curls that look like a picture perfect image on a magazine. That’s what an â€Å"ideal† body type is. Flawlessly beautiful. As a 5’0 muscular girl, body image has always something that been a traumatic issue for myself. Always feeling ashamed for the body that I have. Body image has been a road block of trying to fix myself, or to free the bottled up insecurities to accept the body, I have. Sometimes it can be the simplest of questions that can be the hardest to†¦ The impact of brands on body image Discuss the ways in which the idea of ‘Body Image’ is created through advertising and brand promotion. How is this reinforced by celebrity promotion? What potential damage can be done by certain Body Image prototypes? Are there examples of positive body image in advertising and branding? The area of research will be focussing on is an issue which has plagued the fashion conscious world for decades. The issue of body image, especially on women, and the impact advertising†¦ Sheppard Ads today draw us into the television with enticing, edgy images depicting women and men in sexualizing roles. However, women are repeatedly used as sexual appeals to promote the good of a product, but is the aim really to promote the product or the idea of gender roles in society? Society promotes that women should be the one to stay home and take care of their husbands to please them, so they create a visual image for men as to how they should treat their woman and how their woman should†¦ Body Image The perfect body is something that every person wants but very few posses. Many people will do just about anything to either fit in with their community or cover up their insecurities. Women are clearly more obsess with obtaining the perfect body more than men. From an adolescent’s viewpoint, a particular body image can be particularly dangerous because it can lead to a physiological obsession, eating disorders, and physical health consequences (Berger, 2014). Adolescents can become†¦ Fake Perfection Like snowflakes there is no one person who looks the same in the world. Even identical twins have a small difference that you would be able to tell them apart. What makes every person individually unique is our physical traitsÍ ¾ however, things like the internet, the social media, and television says otherwise. According to the media, every man must be handsome and muscular, and every woman must be fit and beautiful. An easy access to such technologies make it easier for people†¦ Perfect Body With an alarming 50 percent of 3-to-6 year old girls worrying about their weight, it makes you wonder, what are we doing wrong? (Hanes). If I were to ask you, what do you consider the perfect body, how would you respond? Most girls would reply: thin body, skinny waist, and big breasts. In today’s society, the media controls all aspects of our lives. From popular Smartphone applications such as Instagram, Twitter, and Tumblr to advertisements and movies, the media has managed to distort†¦ Mistura Olawore Shailen Mishra Final Draft 13 April 2015 Body Image and the Demand for Beauty in our Society In almost every advertisement today regarding a female, her image is tweaked, airbrushed, and cropped. Minimizing her waist, enlarging her features, raising her eyebrows, pronouncing her cheekbones, and airbrushing her skin are one of the many examples of how a woman’s image can be altered. The images of these perfect looking women are being placed in many advertisements. Young girls see†¦

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The Issues Surrounding Muslims in the West Term Paper

The Issues Surrounding Muslims in the West - Term Paper Example Still, it is quite unfortunate that the Western media has largely stuck to quite a prejudiced and controversial approach in portraying Muslims over time which has only served to aggravate the already devastated conditions encountered by masses of innocent Muslims living in the US and European countries. There is no denying the fact that everyday Muslims in the West are marginalized for the actions of a few extremist groups. It is an established however grave reality that in the present day world, more and more people are losing their patience with religions and all the vivacious debates that come along with them. People are tired of listening to animated critics arguing among themselves on whose religion is better than whom and do not care much about what is the reality of each major religion in this age of fierce competitiveness and materialism. Even the Western countries today cannot be called primarily Christian countries because the majority is composed of secular people leaning towards atheism. In such circumstances, it has become substantially hard for practicing Muslims living in the West to convey their message, fears, concerns, and requirements to largely unresponsive and nonchalant non-Muslim majorities. It is virtually impossible for them to get significantly unreligious non-Muslims to pay attention to the obstacles encountered by them let alone remake their minds about Islam. It is not just following 9/11, but long before that sorry incident Muslims in the Western countries have remained victims of unjustified aggression. However, it is true that western aggression and intolerance picked momentum after the 9/11 attacks and the rate of issues targeting innocent Muslims reached its climax. Despite many empty arguments put forward by prominent Western politicians that their problem is not with Islam, truth is that practicing Muslims are more under attack than non-practicing Muslims. Hijab is a highly sacred Islamic practice for Muslim women and the rou tine adamant Western contempt and criticism for this practice is highly objectionable.Â